by antadmin | Nov 24, 2020 | Insights
Looking on the bright side, the team gives their pick of the positives and what they have learned from 2020. Kendi – I love that in 2020 we all stopped pretending we were Work People at work and Home People at home, never the twain to meet. I feel so much closer to my...
by Hardman Staff | Oct 19, 2020 | Insights
Last October we imagined what we would buy with The Federal Government uncapped instant asset write-off. The HC Team dreamt big and four months later tell where their dreams are up to. Sue – 19/10/20 - A Tesla. With the wing doors. Renewables is the way to go and the...
by Hardman Staff | Jul 7, 2020 | Insights
They may not be earth shattering, but these keyboard shortcuts sure make our working day easier! • Al – Sometimes I need to see what’s happening behind the scenes of a website – I love F12 (inspect page) especially when I need image specs in a hurry. So many...