What did we love about 2020?

What did we love about 2020?

Looking on the bright side, the team gives their pick of the positives and what they have learned from 2020. Kendi – I love that in 2020 we all stopped pretending we were Work People at work and Home People at home, never the twain to meet. I feel so much closer to my...
Dreams to reality

Dreams to reality

Last October we imagined what we would buy with The Federal Government uncapped instant asset write-off. The HC Team dreamt big and four months later tell where their dreams are up to. Sue – 19/10/20 - A Tesla. With the wing doors. Renewables is the way to go and the...
Hacks from the keyboard

Hacks from the keyboard

They may not be earth shattering, but these keyboard shortcuts sure make our working day easier! • Al – Sometimes I need to see what’s happening behind the scenes of a website – I love F12 (inspect page) especially when I need image specs in a hurry. So many...